有機 Essiac 茶膠囊 | i-am-healing
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有機 Essiac 茶膠囊

有機 Essiac 茶膠囊


100% Pure 8 Herb Organic Esssiac 茶粉提取物。

每天兩次服用 2 粒膠囊。 (每天總共 4 粒)早上空腹一次,晚上空腹一次。這是標準的維持劑量。對於激進的劑量,對於有需要的人,您可以服用 3 粒膠囊,每天 3 次。

  • 產品信息


    Essiac 的主要作用是去除重金屬、解毒系統、恢復能量水平以及增強和重建免疫系統。這一切都將利用身體自身的資源和防禦來戰勝任何疾病。

    Essiac 重建免疫系統,使其能夠擺脫疾病和疾病。​數千年來,草藥一直被用於改善人們的健康,西方世界現在正在意識到這些神奇草藥的巨大影響和價值。

    自 1900 年代初以來,加拿大一直使用 Essiac 茶來治療癌症患者。組成 Esssiac 的八種草藥有助於身體排除毒素,並通過這樣做來建立身體的免疫系統。

    我們只使用有機草本,我們使用整個羊酢漿草植物,包括根。羊酸模根是 Essiac 茶的基本成分。​


    Essiac 對以下健康狀況有益。

    1. 高血壓

    2. 慢性疲勞

    3. 慢性疼痛

    4. 糖尿病

    5. 關節炎

    6. 腎臟和膀胱問題

    7. 潰瘍

    8. 肝臟問題

    9. 結腸問題

    10. 鼻竇問題

    11. 痛風

    12. 肺炎和胸感冒

    13. 高膽固醇

    14. 腹瀉


    16. 哮喘​


    數千年來,草藥一直被用於改善人們的健康。自 1900 年代初以來,加拿大一直使用 Essiac 茶來治療癌症患者。組成 essiac 的八種草藥幫助身體排除毒素,並通過這樣做來建立身體的免疫系統。

    有機 Essiac 茶用量

The ideal solution. Essiac tea requires preparation methods to boil the active ingredients out of the herbal tea, our Organic Tincture can simply be added directly to water or a juice, or placed directly under the tongue.


Contains the ESSENTIAL organic Sheep Sorrel Root.


This amazing tincture is preserved indefinitely at normal room temperatures.


Environmentally friendly


Fast Free Delivery


Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans


Simple to Use


Simple to Store



Essiac Tincture 8 Active Ingredients:




Blessed Thistle.

Burdock Root. 


Red Clover. 

Sheep Sorrel (includes root)

Slippery Elm Bark 

Turkish Rhubarb Root. 



Authenticated by 'The Truth About Cancer'


Essiac tea's primary actions are to remove heavy metals, detoxify the body, restore energy levels, and rebuild the immune system, all act to restore the body to a level to where it is able to better defeat the illness using it's own resources. In other words, essiac rebuilds the immune system and improves the illness-defeating ability of the body so that the body can rid itself of the illness.

Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years to improve people's health. Essiac tea has been used in Canada to treat people with cancer since the early 1900s. The eight herbs that make up essiac help the body eliminate toxins, and by doing that they build up the body's immune system.


***We use the entire sheep sorrel plant, including the roots, in our formula!***

The Sheep Sorrel Root is ESSENTIAL. If you use anything that does

not contain the root, you are wasting your money.

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